Welcome to Stanford Rivers Parish Council

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About the council

The Parish Council is a non political tier of Local Government: the closest to the people. The Councillors are elected every 4 years and offer their time on a voluntary basis.

The next tier of Government for Stanford Rivers Parish Council is Epping Forest District Council and the final tier is Essex County Council.

Parish Councils can play a vital part in representing the interests of the communities they serve: improve the quality of life and the local environment. Furthermore they influence other decision makers and can in many cases deliver services to meet local needs.

Any parishioner who has a concern about problems within the Parish should contact the Clerk or any of the Councillors. We cannot always guarantee to have the answers to your queries, or the problems may be beyond our jurisdiction. If this is the case the matter would be passed on to Epping Forest District Council, or the appropriate organisation best qualified to deal with it.

The Parish Council Meetings commence at 5.30pm at Toot Hill Village Hall, on the second Thursday of alternate months – January, March, May etc. (click on Council Meetings for specific dates) Each Meeting opens with a 10 minute Public Forum when parishioners may speak and air their views on any matters of local interest.